Wage Cap for Season 2021/22

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Wage Cap for Season 2021/22

Post by Thor »

It looks like that the EFL clubs are edging closer to a wage cap on players salaries. Its aimed at a squad level rather than an individual level. The proposed caps divulged so far is £1.9m for league 2, £3.3m for league 1, whilst there is no mention of a amount for the championship at present. Earlier this year and outside of these talks it was suggested that £20m would be sufficient at that level. They also want to change the sustainability number which they can lose over a 3 year period, currently it's set to £9m, I'm guessing they want to increase that. There is also a discussion centred on larger clubs which generate a larger turnover and how that forms in to the salary cap.

They also seem to be in agreement with a 3 point deduction for any missed salary payments as well.

Maybe the virus outbreak has focused clubs minds and attentions making them get their houses in order.
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Re: Wage Cap for Season 2021/22

Post by LittleMate »

Whilst I generally agree with a salary cap, I've always found it hard to get my head around. The cost of living in, say, Morecombe is lower than in Leyton so the £1.9m goes further. That's not an issue normally - unless a rogue owner goes for broke - literally. This smacks of owners getting a bit of control over salaries, but they need to get a grip on themselves at the same time.
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