Photo ID cards

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Photo ID cards

Post by Mikero »

It seems inevitable that these, or something similar, will now have to be used in the wake of the pandemic. As people get tested for anti-bodys those found positive will want to be allowed to resume more of a normal life. The government will be desparate to get the economy going again as soon as possible. The problem is without some means of official proof many other people will also try to start working, etc, which may well push the figures up enough for lockdown to start all over again and put us all back in our boxes for another couple of months.

We all know there are politicians and others who have always wanted National ID cards for various reasons but as things are I can't see any other way, whether we ever get rid of them again is another matter.

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Re: Photo ID cards

Post by Long slender neck »

The test does not exist
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Re: Photo ID cards

Post by Mikero »

There are several tests that are being trialed for general use that give a result in a few minutes by taking a spot of blood and placing it in a small tray. If the correct lines appear you have the anti-body.
The German government is using thousands of these tests daily.

Clive Evans
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Re: Photo ID cards

Post by Clive Evans »

Every test that the Government scientists have tested in UK have only been 90% accurate. Which is no good at all, as 10% will think they have immunity when they don't. UK Government see the only way forward is to develop the test in the Uk. If you are of a scientific bent, the reason is, that we get infected by many different types of Corona virus and the rogue tests pick up this in the blood and tend to presume it is Covid 19.
Ronnie Hotdogs
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Re: Photo ID cards

Post by Ronnie Hotdogs »

What %age do they normally work to?
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Re: Photo ID cards

Post by Clive Evans »

If you are testing for immunity you need 100% accuracy. If you send someone out who appears to have had Covid 19 & in fact it is an error & then that person acquires the virus, he/she will infect everyone they come in contact with, ( bad news if they are a nurse or doctor ). Scientist now agree the virus is much easier to catch, than they initially thought. Also it is very worrying when some people have the virus but have no symptoms but are shedding the virus. I personally think until they can come up with a watertight test, we are gonna be locked up an awful long time.
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Re: Photo ID cards

Post by Mikero »

Some commentators in the US are talking about18 months.

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Re: Photo ID cards

Post by StillSpike »

Theyll be able to do the Immunity-certificate-ID thing with a phone app, I'd imagine. I'm sure someone in the Cabinet must hold some shares in a suitable tech company that can get an exclusive contract for one.
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